Day 1

The Camino del Norte starts in Irun, right over the border between France and Spain. Thomas and I start in Bayonne, France.
The route is about 1000km long and runs along the northern coast of Spain to Santiago de Compostela, and then we'll add Finisterre and Muxia as a detox round.
We're traveling by train, and since there's another strike in the Netherlands, this time in public transportation, we have to be in Rotterdam a day earlier, or we'll miss the train to Paris.
Aimee and Anna take us to Rotterdam Central Station. It's raining a bit and a little chilly. Bye-bye, see you later, farewell, see you in Santiago ????
Beep beep, the alarm goes off. It's a 15-minute walk to the station. We make good time, and before we know it, we're on the TGV to Bayonne, our final train destination but also the starting point for our long-distance journey.

The train arrives in Bayonne right on time, and the weather is beautiful. We have to change and adapt to the weather conditions right away.

We search for the first stamp in Bayonne Cathedral, but without success. At the last minute, we approach someone behind a fence, but they advise us to come back tomorrow. So, without a stamp, we head to our overnight stay, 3km down the road, to stretch our legs after an 8-hour sit.

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